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100 results (register for free to see all 40948 materials)

ID (OMDB) ⇅ ID (COD) ⇅ Formula ↓ Space group H-M ⇅ Space group IT ⇅ Publication details Publisher ⇅
24042 4107189 C24 H24 I3 S16 P -1 2 Uniaxial Strain Orientation Dependence of Superconducting Transition Temperature (Tc) and Critical Superconducting Pressure (Pc) in \b-(BDA-TTP)2I3 Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, vol: 133, page: 19590
37002 2232131 C24 H22 I2 Mn N6 O3 P 1 21 1 4 Diaquaiodido(2,3,5,6-tetra-2-pyridylpyrazine-\k^3^N^2^,N^1^,N^6^)manganese(II) iodide monohydrate Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, vol: 67, page: m1333
35492 4500555 C24 H20 Cr Mo6 N4 Na O36 P -1 2 Crystal Engineering of Polyoxomolybdates Based Metal--Organic Solids: The Case of Chromium Molybdate Cluster Based Metal Complexes and Coordination Polymers Crystal Growth & Design, 2011, vol: 11, page: 3381
3480 1504241 C23 H28 O3 S P 1 21 1 4 Stereocontrolled generation of the (2R) chroman core of vitamin E: total synthesis of (2R,4'RS,8'RS)-alpha-tocopherol. Organic letters, 2009, vol: 11, page: 4930
36344 7110828 C23 H26 O7 P 1 21 1 4 The vitamin C route to the ciguatoxins: enantioselective synthesis of a ring F building block Chemical Communications, 2000, page: 567
2962 4026314 C23 H24 O4 P -1 2 Synthesis of the Phenanthrene and Cyclohepta[a]naphthalene Skeletons via Gold(I)-Catalyzed Intramolecular Cyclization of Unactivated Cyclic 5-(2-Arylethyl)-1,3-dienes Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011, vol: 76, page: 4027
4317 7150790 C23 H20 N2 O5 P 1 21 1 4 Topically resolved intramolecular CH-\p interactions in phenylalanine derivatives Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2009, vol: 7, page: 5156
27373 4101841 C22 H20 O2 P 1 21 1 4 Nickel/Bis(oxazoline)-Catalyzed Asymmetric Kumada Reactions of Alkyl Electrophiles: Cross-Couplings of Racemic \a-Bromoketones Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, vol: 132, page: 1264
37004 2215753 C21 H32 O3 P 1 21 1 4 (3aS,5aR,6R,8aR)-3a-Hydroxy-5a-methyl-6-[(1R,2E,4R)-1,4,5-trimethyl-2-hexen-1-yl]-3a,4,5,5a,6,7,8,8a-octahydro-2H-cyclopenta[e]benzofuran-2-one Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, vol: 63, page: o4196
29210 2230379 C20 H24 N2 O6 P 1 21/c 1 14 (E,E)-1,2-Bis(2,4,5-trimethoxybenzylidene)hydrazine Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, vol: 67, page: o1526

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